Sunday 9 October 2011

Website Research: Codes and Conventions

Codes and Conventions of Websites

           The first thing I noticed about the website was the layout. The layout, like the magazine advert, the layout was designed depending on the artist and their target audience. For example Rihanna has an image of being quite tropical and quite calm and her website has been designed to have a theme linking to a calm tropical beach. Also her image is aimed at a more adult target audience and thus her website has been set out in a more serious manor and thus attracting an adult target audience.

Every website had a large image of the Artist and the name of the artist was written in large letters. This is there to advertise the artists image and name. It is a method of making sure that the image stands out from the website and the consumer will remember who they are and what they are about.

There was one thing that all the websites had in common and that was the links to the artist’s pages on social networking sites. This is just another way of advertising the artists on other websites. Facebook is an extremely good method of advertising because once one person has said that they like the artist their friends can see that and this might encourage them to also follow the same artist on their pages which causes a chain reaction between people.

All of the websites that I had analysed had a menu bar which links several other pages to the website. This is there to categorise all of the information about the artist onto several easy to find pages to encourage the target audience to look further into finding information about the artist.

Each website had a small area where you could find the latest updates on the artist for example, tours, news on their life such as health and promotions that they are doing for companies. The latest news being on the home page allows the target audience to find out the latest news about the artist quickly and easily. This encourages the target audience to keep coming back to the website for more updates.

Each website has samples of the artist’s songs and videos. This is to help the target audience decide whether they like the artist and their material or not and thus enticing them to buy their albums. It also gives the target audience a way of accessing their favourite song when they want access quickly and easy. This encourages them to come back to website in the future.

Most of the websites which I analysed had adverts for other products from other companies but promoted by the artists on their website. The artist promoting the product is there to entice the target audience to purchase the products because they are promoting it. This means that the company gains money from it, the artist gets a percentage of the profits and the customer believes they have something special because the artist is promoting it.

Lastly on most of the websites they have an area where the target audience can sign up for a news letter which is sent to their email and where they can leave messages on a forum for the artist and where the artist can answer back. This is there to entice the target audience because it makes them feel special because they have the opportunity to be a part of something special where there is a chance their favourite artist can answer them back and that they can know all about the artist through a newsletter.

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