Saturday 16 July 2011

Sunday 10 July 2011


The next stage of replicating Britney Spear's video, 'Hit Me Baby One More Time' was to edit the raw footage from filming. To do this I used the software program, 'Adobe Premier Pro'. The first thing I did was to import the song into the program. Once that was imported I then imported the footage. I muted the audio that came with these pieces of footage as I wanted to use the song and not the audio on the footage.

The editing for this video was simple. Most of the cuts within the video were straight cuts. To recreate this all I had to do was to cut the footage were I wanted to cut it and to remove the bits that I didn't want. For example the the first shot in the video was that of Britney's foot tapping her desk in the classroom. The next shot was of her tapping her pencil on the table. Connecting these shots was a jump cut. To create this I took the footage of Kristina Lowe, who played Britney in that shot, tapping her foot against the table and cut it at the appropriate moment where it should jump to the shot of her tapping her pencil. This shot had to be cut down to six seconds long. I took the footage that was left over and deleted it. I then took the next piece of footage and slid it next to the other piece of footage on the time line and thus creating a jump cut.
I found the task of editing the footage, that we had filmed to replicate Britney's video fairly difficult because there were lots of short shots on the video that required our footage to be cut quite considerably in order for it to fit the audio that belongs to Britney's video. Also due to the fact that in the dancing part some of our dancers were not taking this task seriously there were lots of different takes taken just to film one shot. This then made the important footage difficult to find when editing the video. This also meant that I lost time trying to find a piece of footage that could have been easily found if it had shot properly in less takes then it had done. I have edited the first 40 seconds of the video.

Thursday 7 July 2011

Preliminary Task- Filming

In this part of the preliminary task we all had to film, preform and direct. The first thing that I contributed to was the preforming. My task was to lip synch the words "How was I supposed to know". I also had to act like britney did in her video. I found this task difficult as I am not a natural actress, however I played a small part and so it was done relatyively quickly and accurately.

My next task was to film and direct at the same time. I filmed one of the shots whilst directing by telling the actors and actresses where to be for this shot. The shot which I filmed was the shot of Britney and the extras walking through the class room door. To shoot this acurately I found a class room with a door that was free for us to use. I told the actresses in the shot that they were to walk through the door smilling on my count when i was recording. I also made sure that the lights were positioned diagonally onto the door, facing the direction in which the actresses should come so that they were well lit. I think that this shot was filmed acurately and quickly as it was a small shot but I paid attention to detail. The rest of the filming and directing was completed by other in the group. I interjected every so often to give suggestions to improve the process.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Britney Spears Preliminary Task

My preliminary task was to recreate the first one minute and twenty seconds of Britney Spear's hit song "Hit Me Baby One More Time". To accurately recreate the song the first I had to do was to examine the music video with my group. From this the first thing we worked out was what shots we needed and who was going to be in them and how long the shots needed to be. From this we worked out a story board using screen dumps.
We then examined the video further to gain understanding of the choreography of the dance in the chorus of the song. We also found after attempting the dance a few times that it was quite complicated and so we decided that it would be best to practice the dance after school so that we replicated it on the day as accurately as possible.

The last thing that we studied on the video to prepare for the making of our replica music video was to attain the costume design from the video so that we could assemble our costumes so that they were as similar to Britney's in the video. The costume entailed wearing a fitted white shirt, a black skirt, a grey cardigan, black high heels, black knee high socks and a black vests. Also our hair had to be worn in plaits as that is how Britney had her hair styled in the video.